Oxfordshire's Primary Care Networks

Primary Care Networks (PCN) are groups of GP working together with a range of local providers to offer more personalised and coordinated health and social care to their local populations.  Networks are typically local communities serving populations of 30,000 – 50,000.  In Oxfordshire 20 PCNs have now been formally agreed covering the whole Oxfordshire population. 

For information on Primary Care Networks from NHS England, please click here.

Please click here to go to the Kings Fund website which will give you an easy to read 'Primary Care Networks (PCNs) explained'.

A list of the networks, including details of the Clinical Directors, can be found below.  

National Voices, commissioned by NHSE has produces two introductory resources for an and all voluntary and community sector groups, for further information please click here.

Patient Participation in Primary Care Networks

As our patient and public involvement adapts to support delivery of the national Long Term Plan for the NHS we will focus on becoming more inclusive of our populations and centred on the above PCNs. The PCNs will work with their Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) and local communities in making plans, identifying priorities and for seeking feedback on how services are delivered.The PCNs will work with their Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) and local communities in making plans, identifying priorities and for seeking feedback on how services are delivered. The potential for PCNs and their PPGs to work across a wider geography covering more than one PCN community will also be explored.

To help support this approach, OCCG have commissioned Healthwatch Oxfordshire to develop and support PPGs working in alliance with their PCN. This will enable representation to be more diverse and reflect more accurately the voice of service users in each area. As PCNs develop, they will communicate with OCCG about their priorities, themes and issues and demonstrate their involvement of PPGs and the wider community.

Two of Oxfordshire Patient Participant Groups have put together patient information on the Primary Care Networks:



Related downloads

pdfPCN Map (0.21 MB)